One Dentist for Your Whole Family

If you are the parent of a busy family, you probably know just how much time and effort goes into sticking to the agenda. From getting the family dentistkids to baseball practice on time to making sure that Grandma makes it to her fitness class, keeping a busy schedule can prove to be a weary task. Luckily, your family dentist can help you streamline at least one facet of your daily life and make scheduling and attending your family’s dental appointments easy. Find out more about having one dentist for your whole family and how it can benefit you with Dr. Denise Stone and Dr. David Stone, Jr. at Stone Family Dentistry in Charleston, SC.

What is a family dentist? 
While some dentists choose to specialize in a certain type of dentistry, like cosmetic or restorative, or particular age, such as only seeing children or adults, a family dentist performs many types of dentistry on patients of any age. This means that your whole family, from your grandparent to your infant, can use the same dentist’s office.

How can family dentistry benefit me? 
A family dentist allows you to consolidate your whole family’s dental appointments into a single day, with only one trip back and forth and minimal time off of work and school. Additionally, family dentistry keeps your family’s records all in one place, making them easier to collect if the need ever arose. Children can grow up feeling comfortable with the same dentist and dental practice, helping to normalize dental visits and help minimize dental anxiety.

Family Dentistry in Charleston, SC
If you think you can benefit from consolidating your family’s dental appointments, enjoying the freedom of knowing your dental care is taken care of, and giving your family the opportunity to share the same dentist, Stone Family Dentistry is here to help. For more information on family dentistry or how it can benefit you and your family, please contact Dr. Denise Stone and Dr. David Stone, Jr. at Stone Family Dentistry in Charleston, SC. Call (843) 556-6566 to schedule your appointment with your dentist today!

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Hours of Operation

Office Hours


8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm





